Are automated payments right for your business?
If you're like most owners, you've worked hard at building your business. You have invested a lot of time and money getting your company to its current level of success. You have even implemented a well thought out payment plan for your customers.
Here's the PROBLEM:
Too many of your customers are not paying their bill on time, or not paying at all. Your business is experiencing all the high costs related to old fashioned, expensive, and inefficient billing methods. There are also additional costs to collect on delinquent accounts. Your company may also be experiencing missing funds or employee theft.
Here's the SOLUTION:

An automated payment is simply the process of electronically transferring your customer's payment from their checking account, savings account, credit card, or debit card to your business's bank account. This transfer is done on a pre-selected date.
By implementing an automated payment plan for your customers, you will get your money on time and significantly reduce the number of delinquent accounts. You will also greatly reduce the costs associated with billing your customers. Missing funds and employee theft will be eliminated.
Getting started
Once you have decided to implement an automated payment plan, you must decide who will process the payments for you.
Basically you have 3 choices:
Apply and qualify under the strict credit requirements of a bank. Your company must purchase special software and undertake a complete training program. You must also do all the data entry and processing. You will pay bank rates.
- or -
Use a retail third party processor and pay rates that are many times higher than bank rates. Some retail processors charge fees as high as 15% or more on the money they collect.
- or -
Use Automated Payment Systems and pay rates that are lower than the banks. APS is a managed support payment processing service. We provide hands-on support by continually analyzing your transaction information for correctness and completeness. We first verify, then correct any errors for you, virtually eliminating unintended consequences. The result is more money collected for your business, as well as happier, more satisfied customers.
APS offers many methods for you to send and receive your automated payment information. APS Online is a complete set of payment processing tools. You may also choose to let APS do all your data entry and processing. APS has been processing automated payments since 1987. We specialize in electronic payment services. By utilizing APS’s many years of experience you will maximize your income and minimize your billing costs.
The choice is simple!
Here’s how it works
Your customer signs a simple authorization outlining the details of their payment. This authorization information is submitted to APS. At the time the payment is to be made, APS will transfer the payment from the customer’s bank or credit card account to your account and a report is sent.
An automatic payment can be set up to run for a set number of months, or the payment can be set up to run continually until stopped or changed. The amount may also be changed for each payment. Payments may be processed weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or any other billing cycle.
That’s it! It’s that easy!
APS offers many secure online and offline methods for you to send and receive your company’s automated payment information. You may choose a simple paper-based system, or you may decide to use one of APS’s advanced electronic systems. We can accommodate any software you may be using, including business applications, accounting software, QuickBooks®, or custom software. We will help make the process easy and more efficient for you.
APS Online will give you complete control over all your billing and payment processing needs!
APS Online is a complete set of online payment processing tools, providing you with the most simple and advanced way to manage all your automated customer billing needs.
MOREAPS’s payment processing services work hand in hand with nearly all business management software products. Here are some of the software programs that are used by our clients:
- Online River
- Get Physical Software
- Gym Assistant
- QuickBooks
- Microsoft Excel
- Jackrabbit
- DanceWorks
- Studio Pro
- Studio Director
- Jonas Fitness
- and more …
We also offer software developers an easy solution when adding APS’s payment processing services to their software. We provide an API to communicate directly with our payment gateway. Contact us for more information.