If you are a new business, or have experienced financial difficulty in the past, applying for a merchant credit card account or ACH account can be a confusing and intimidating process. Because credit card and ACH processors or banks assume risk to provide you with payment processing capabilities, there is an approval process involved. The account application process evaluates you and your business information in order to understand and minimize that risk. Most processors may require several years of business and personal tax returns. You may also have your personal credit score reviewed.
So what’s the risk? Instances of businesses going bankrupt or having a high number of chargebacks and returns all introduce financial risk and liability for payment processors. Also, trustworthy businesses like yours are not the only businesses trying to get approved to debit peoples’ bank accounts and credit cards. It’s an obvious opportunity for fraud. So, banks and payment processors do their homework before agreeing to process payments for a business.
Automated Payment Systems realizes that many good startup businesses, or businesses that may have had a stroke of bad luck but have turned things around, still need a solution to process their customers’ payments. APS has several tools we can use to get you over these hurdles and get you approved. Give us a call. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Call now and talk to one of our specialists at 1-800-274-0772.